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Save the Whale Shark


As Nature lovers, our ways of compromising with the Whale Sharks is extraordinary. We are working with some local biologists, documenting every visit we do and providing them videos and pictures we capture so they can use it for different studies. We also provide information of the individuals we see every day.


On the boat, besides the briefing from the municipality staff given to the guests. We also provide informations and points  explaining more about the habits of the Whale Shark. Questions from guest are highly recommended and appreciated.


Not only are we here to help and work with this gentle giant, 5 % of our proceed will be used for further studies & projects for our friends, The Whale Sharks.

Interacting with The Whale Shark


Swimming with the Whale Shark is not dangerous but we need to follow some instructions to enjoy more without interfering with them as  much as possible.


You can swim or watch the Whale Shark from the boat but remember if you swim with them, Please: 


- Don't touch the animal

- Don't swim cut the way of the Whale Shark

- Don't use camera with flashes

- Don't feed the Whale Shark

- Always swim 3 meters away from the body or head and 4 meters away from the tail

- Don't use swimming-torpedos


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